Baptist St. Anthony’s Health System

The Impact of CPI Training

  • Decreased need for restraint and seclusion
  • Increased staff and patient safety
  • Reduced worker compensation claims
  • Uniting security staff with clinical staff
  • Changing the care culture Increased staff confidence
  • Increased staff confidence


The security department at Baptist Saint Anthony’s (BSA) Health System sought to change how they managed challenging, even violent behaviors, the number of physical restraints used, and the number of worker compensation claims.


Security manager Jeffrey Martinez initially trained his security department at BSA in CPI’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® program. The overwhelming success the security department achieved in implementing verbal de-escaltion, and reducing physical restraints made other departments and administration take notice. Administration then required all 700 staff members to be trained.


Typically, the security team was called in to confront the angry individuals, restrain them and conclusively escort them out of the facility.

Since integrating CPI’s training, BSA saw a decrease in the number of physical restraints used. The number of restraints steadily decreased from 76 in 2010, 46 in 2011, and 19 in 2012 to 5 in 2013. Resulting in an overall 93% reduction of restraint use since 2010.

Key results include:

  • 93% reduction in physical restraints
  • Reduced staff injuries
  • Workers’ compensation claims dropped
  • Enhanced staff skills to defuse potentially violent situations

Additionally, since staff members weren’t needing to physically intervene as often, they weren’t getting injured on the job. This resulted in worker compensation claims dropping off completely. BSA hasn’t had a worker’s compensation claim filed in over two years.

“As far as CPI training is concerned, this is the best thing to happen to our facility. There’s a whole new mindset here.”

-Jeffrey Martinez
Security Manager
Baptist Saint Anthony’s Health System

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