Supporting All Staff at California Pacific Medical Center


May 25, 2023

When safety and crisis prevention trainings are disjointed across departments in an organization it creates confusion. But it can also cause staff to feel unsafe and unsure about how to address challenging situations. This was the case at California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) in the early 2000’s.

Addressing Hospital Workplace Violence Concerns

CPMC staff were struggling. Each time an incident took place, team members from different departments viewed the situation in varying ways. This was because each department had gone through their own version of crisis prevention or safety intervention training.

There was no unified response structure or common language with which to address challenging situations.

CPMC knew they needed a unified training that focused on de-escalation skills that was appropriate for all hospital staff regardless of role or risk level.

After studying several training options, Clinical Nurse Manager Maria Livinia Fedora Jacobsen selected CPI’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® program as the training solution. This was because, “it had been taught to millions of health care professionals, exceeded regulatory standards, had high recognition, and the model was grounded in research.”

Creating a Unified Response to Challenging Situations Using CPI Training

After providing the same training to all staff at CPMC, there was a noticeable difference in staff confidence and patient care.

By implementing CPI training, CPMC saw that:

  • Patient feelings of safety increased from 17.5% to 72.4%
  • Patient satisfaction scores rose from the 20th percentile to the 83rd percentile
  • Staff use of seclusion and restraints dropped significantly

See How CPI Training Can Support Your Workplace Needs

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Originally published in 2016.

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