Education Q&A May 2024

CPI’s behaviour experts discuss how to reduce disruptive behaviour in school corridors.

April 29, 2024
Three students smiling in a school hallway

Can you suggest ways to reduce/prevent disruption in the corridors? (Michelle, Headteacher) 

Consistent expectations 

Firstly, it is important to have a school wide agreement about what the corridor expectation is. Students must understand the behaviour that is expected of them when moving between lessons. If the desired behaviour is unclear, it would therefore be unfair to demand silent corridors when that hasn’t been agreed by the school community. 

Consistency is key. All adults must uphold the same expectations to create the mantra of ‘this is how we do it here’. 

First attention to best conduct 

We would also suggest that the notion of “inappropriate behaviour” be defined. This will vary, some schools may require silence during transitions, some schools are happy for transitions to be livelier, and some schools are not concerned until students enter the classroom. 

It is important to revisit the rules. What is it you’re trying to achieve? I.e. we need quieter corridors if transitions are happening during other lessons because this is respectful. 

Be sure to focus on the positive behaviour when you see it. Thank learners for their consideration rather than waiting for the learners who forget to be mindful of others. 

‘First attention to best conduct’ is one of the ‘Five Core Principles’ within our Classroom Culture programme. We believe in focusing first on students who follow the rules and demonstrate respectful behaviour. When you notice positive behaviour in the corridors celebrate it with enthusiasm, joy and warmth. This demonstrates to students that the best way to get your attention is to do the right thing.  

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Finally, sometimes the simplest of changes are the most effective. Look at how your school flows; can a one-way system be implemented to avoid bottle necks? 

If students lining up outside a classroom in certain areas can offer greater opportunities for disruptive behaviour, look at implementing a system or a process to help students adhere to the rules and/or expectations. 

For more information our Classroom Culture train the trainer programme, our Breaking Up Fights™ training, our Hearts & Minds INSET, or how your school can get a Behaviour Health Check, go to our Education programme page and fill in the consultation form. 
For more answers to your questions see ourQ&A introduction page. 

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