A Holistic Approach to School Improvement: Rethinking Staff Training

July 4, 2023
Colored pencils next to a stack of books.

For the experienced staff member hearing about the next big initiative on INSET they will likely be asking themselves “Will we still be doing this in 6 months’ time?”.
If the answer is no or unlikely, then why would they make the effort to action the plans tomorrow?
This is a challenge school leaders are having to manage themselves. Any culture change initiative will live or die by the critical mass of colleagues subscribing to the vision laid out by the school leadership.  
In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, it is essential for schools to address the complex challenges related to behaviour and culture.
To create a positive learning environment, it is crucial to implement a comprehensive school improvement plan that not only focuses on targeted training for all staff but also incorporates leadership support, coaching as well as tiers of intervention mapped to risk levels experienced.
When we consider the impact of traditional INSET, more than half of educators we surveyed said they didn’t feel their schools current training solution provided a lasting culture change improvement.

CPI’s suite of programmes for educators provide a 360-degree approach to behaviour and culture change designed to be easily implemented and have lasting impact.
These training packages address six core areas for implementing a school improvement plan around behaviour.

1. Staff Training

Traditional in-service training (INSET) models often fall short in providing educators with the necessary skills to effectively manage behaviour and foster a positive culture.
CPI’s education suite offers an alternative by starting with a behaviour and culture review, highlighting the need for a mindset shift, then supporting a consistent approach throughout the school with targeted training that equips staff with a range of strategies to understand, prevent, intervene and de-escalate distressed behaviours.
Our evidence-based programmes go beyond basic behaviour management techniques, empowering educators to create safe and inclusive learning environments.

2. Leadership Support

A successful school improvement plan requires strong leadership support. School leaders play a critical role in setting the vision, modelling desired behaviours and providing guidance to staff.
CPI programmes include specialised training for leaders, enabling them to establish a supportive culture, effectively communicate expectations and implement strategies for positive behaviour management.

3. Ongoing Coaching

One-time training events are often insufficient to drive long-term change.

Ongoing coaching and support are crucial to ensure that staff members can consistently apply the strategies they have learned.

Our approach is framed around a train-the-trainer model that upskills in-house coaches and instructors. These trainers can then lead on implementing change and ensure longevity by offering coaching frameworks that help educators refine their skills, address specific challenges and continuously improve their approach to behaviour management.

4. Tiers of Intervention Mapped to Risk

Behaviour management should be approached in a tiered manner, considering the varying levels of risk and the intention behind behaviours.

CPI provides a framework for categorising behaviours based on their intention and risk level. This tiered approach allows educators to respond appropriately, employing preventive measures for low-risk behaviours and implementing more intensive interventions for high-risk situations.

We know that prevention is key and whatever the level of behaviour, reasonable and proportionate responses are essential from all staff members to ensure consistency and certainty for children and young people.

5. Culture Change

Addressing behaviour and culture requires a systemic approach that goes beyond individual interactions.

At CPI we believe in the value of emphasising the importance of creating a positive, respectful, and inclusive culture within schools.

By engaging the entire school community, including students, staff and parents, our training and ongoing support promotes a shared responsibility for behaviour management and cultivates an environment conducive to academic success.

The best cultures are built around effective relationships and while the vast majority of educators understand the value of positive relationship with their leaners, many school policies are counter intuitive and can sabotage the same relationships that practitioners are spending time and effort building.

6. Data-Informed Decision Making

Data has often been seen as a dirty word, where pages and pages of spreadsheet data have been collected only to sit on a shared drive somewhere without the robust analytics and follow up to make the collection a worthwhile exercise.
To effectively address behaviour and culture, schools need to collect and analyse data related to incidents, patterns and trends.
Data-informed decision making will enable schools to identify areas of improvement, allocate resources effectively and track the impact of interventions.
By utilising data, schools can continuously refine their strategies and interventions, leading to sustained positive change.

Essentially, CPI training offers a 360-degree approach to behaviour management and by  embracing this holistic solution, schools can foster positive behaviour, enhance school culture and ultimately create an environment that promotes academic success for all students.

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