CPI Training Programmes and Risk Assessment

Any CPI training programme that includes physical intervention undergoes an independent review.
The goal of CPI training is to equip individuals with the necessary skills to de-escalate crisis behaviour. We set the standard for best practices in evidence-based workplace violence prevention, and our training solutions take great care to consider the Care, Welfare, Safety, and SecuritySM of everyone.
Yet, in some cases, a person in distress may continue to escalate despite your best efforts and the person places themselves and/or others in a position of imminent or immediate harm. In this situation, you may have no alternative other than using physical interventions, including restrictive interventions, in order to maximise safety and minimise harm.
If a CPI training programme includes any type of physical intervention, it is required to undergo an exhaustive independent review, conducted by a recognised independent risk assessor.
These downloads provide you with a comprehensive description of the process, as well as the methodology it follows.
Download disengagement assessment
About the Independent Risk Assessor
Richard Barnett, MSc, BSc (Hons), HCPC, MHEA, is a qualified physiotherapist and works as a lecturer in Physiotherapy at Keele University. He has served as an independent risk assessor for CPI since 2012. He is not a paid employee of CPI and has not received any financial incentives or funding for his research from either CPI or Keele University.
The Assessment Moderation Panel
The Assessment Moderation Panel represents an international team of subject matter experts who reviewed the physicals and risk ratings provided in the risk assessment as secondary independent oversight. They received no monetary compensation for this role.
Dr. Kevin Huckshorn
Assistant Hospital Administrator/Executive Director for Clinical Services
Bridgewater State Hospital, Bridgewater, MA, USA
Professor Joy Duxbury
Professor of Mental Health Nursing
University of Manchester, England
Professor Bridget Hamilton
Associate Professor & Director, Centre for Psychiatric Nursing
University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr Roger Almvik
Research Director, Centre for Research & Education in Forensic Psychiatry
St. Olav’s University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway
Dr Anna Bjorkdahl
Head of Clinical Development
Department of Psychiatry Stockholm South, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr Colin Dale
Chief Executive, Caring Solutions
Consultancy for Mental Health and Learning Disability Services, Lancashire, England
Brenda Crossley
Nurse Consultant
Crossley Hall Associates, Lancashire, England
Ian Hall
Nurse Consultant
Crossley Hall Associates, Lancashire, England
About the Methodology
The methodology used in risk appraisal to determine the risk rating for each physical intervention is derived from:
- The 5 x 5 risk matrix, adapted from A Risk Matrix for Risk Managers (National Patient Safety Agency, 2008) and considered with a range of other current evidence on the known risks associated with the use of restrictive physical interventions. The matrix provides an internationally well-recognised mechanism to provide risk ratings for adverse outcomes and comfortably fits the assessment of the restrictive physical interventions used in CPI programmes.
- The the Australian/New Zealand Standard on Risk Management (AS/ NZS 4360:2004:Risk Management) provides a generic framework for establishing the context, identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and communicating risk.
Please contact us if you have specific questions related to the risk assessment process or the physical interventions contained within CPI training programmes.