CPI Showcases Campaigning Work to Shadow Schools Minister
We welcomed a special guest to our CPI offices in Sale, Manchester last week, the MP for Wythenshawe and Sale East Mike Kane.
Mike, who is also Shadow Schools Minister, was keen to find out more about our training and our work around restraint reduction.
Helping teachers
A former teacher himself, he taught at a primary school not far from the CPI office in Sale, he was particularly keen to find out more about our work within the education sector and how our training helps the teachers and other professionals create safer environments for both them and their learners.
Mike met with CPI Senior Vice President Chris Stirling, our International Director of Programmes for Education Maria Taylor and one of our Pivotal MAPA trainers Sally West.
Because Sally was leading a Pivotal MAPA (now called Safety Intervention which falls within our suite of programmes for educators) renewal course that day in our Sale training centre, Mike was also able to meet with some of our trainees, further discuss the issues of inappropriate restraint with them and even had a restraint technique demonstrated on him.
Seni's Law
He was impressed with the legislative work we had done already with Seni’s Law and how we had started to change the tide of certification with creating new restraint standards, now in the hands of the Restraint Reduction Network.
However, as children are not currently as well protected from abuse and misuse of physical restraint as adults are, we were also able to raise with the issue that CPI firmly believes that this is a failure in our common ambition of making schools in the UK safe spaces for children to learn and grow.
We hope that Mike, in his remit as Shadow Schools Minister, will further support our work and help us in calling for the introduction of mandatory restraint training standards and the mandatory recording of incidents of restraint in schools.