CPI Behaviour Health Check
CPI Education Behaviour and Culture Health Check is an onsite behaviour/environmental review where one of our Education Global Professional Instructors (GPI) informally observes behaviour around your school/college site benchmarking against our 5 core principles of behaviour management.

Behaviour and Culture Audit
Key Features of the Behaviour Health Check (BHC)
Establishing Baseline for Change
For a behaviour and culture change project, it is crucial to identify a baseline for change to be measured against.
Audit and Assessment Process
A behaviour change project can be aligned with the assessment’ finding and recommended actions in order to measure success.
On-Site Behaviour Audit
CPI can send one of our in-house behaviour specialists to your school/college to conduct an on-site behaviour audit.
Post-Visit Feedback and Reporting Process
A report highlighting effective implementation of key principles and recommendations for necessary actions and training is provided.
Benefits of Behaviour Health Check
Create a Workable Action Plan
Work with our behaviour specialist to turn the behaviour and culture health check report into a clear and workable action plan to frame your big behaviour change project.
Benchmark Behaviour Culture
Identify what is currently working successfully at the organisation as well as areas for improvement and share the report with all relevant stakeholders for clear and consistent planning.
Align with CPI Behaviour Principles
CPI’s 5 key principles of behaviour management provide a framework that encourages an improved consistency of adult behaviour throughout the organisation.

Training Method
The behaviour audits before and/or after a behaviour training project help to assess the culture withing your school or college. They identify areas for action that will lead to improved consistency, better adult, and child/young person (CYP) relationships and a reduced reliance on punitive sanctions.
How it Works
Schedule a Consultation
Arrange a time to speak with one of our client managers.
Our Team Will Liaise With You
Work with our consultants to put together the most suitable behaviour package to suit your needs.
Agree a Date and Time
This is best during a typical day when the school or college is fully operational and our behaviour specialist with an enhanced DBS can arrange to research behaviour, in and out of lessons at the school or college.
Other Programmes
More From Our Education Training Suite
Additional programmes for schools to create safe and positive environments.
Hearts & Minds INSET
This training is an interactive, half-day session designed to motivate and positively influence teachers, school staff, and leadership alike.
View ProgrammeClassroom Culture
This programme is designed for school leaders and education professionals interested in fostering a positive culture within each classroom.
View ProgrammeVerbal Intervention
This programme trains staff to respond to crisis situations with a focus on prevention using verbal de-escalation skills.
View ProgrammeBreaking Up Fights
This programme contains essential learning to prevent fights, assess risk and respond with appropriate interventions to create a culture of safety for pupils and staff alike.
View ProgrammeSafety Intervention Foundation
The programme focuses on prevention and teaches staff de-escalation skills as well as non-restrictive and restrictive interventions.
View ProgrammeSchedule a Consultation
Learn how a Behaviour and Culture Health Check can benefit your organisation.