What is Bild ACT Affiliation and What Does it Mean for You?

Bild ACT Affiliation
Bild Association of Certified Training (Bild ACT) has been set up to certify training services that include a restrictive physical intervention.
Bild ACT is licensed by the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) to certify training providers and services as complying with the RRN Training Standards.
From April 1st 2021, certification became a legal requirement for all NHS commissioned Mental Health Services. However, delivering certified training is also considered best practicse for all providers who use restrictive physical interventions.
Where applicable, the provision of Certified Training within service providers will be actively monitored and reported on by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
As certification is a legal/regulatory requirement the CQC has powers to hold providers to account.
Certified Training
CPI achieved Certified Provider Status in February 2020. However, it is no longer sufficient to say you and your organisation are certified simply because you deliver CPI’s training since the new standards are regulated via the United Kingdom Certification Scheme (UKCS) and must therefore meet the RRN Standards.
For the training that you, as a Certified Instructor, deliver within your employing organisation to be certified, your organisation must become a Bild ACT affiliate under the umbrella of CPI (as your Certified Training Provider).
Bild ACT publishes a list of all certified training services (including affiliated organisations) on its website. The list includes certified courses and the names of trainers who are certified to deliver them.
Affiliation, is not just about the training you deliver, it is an ongoing commitment by organisation to meet the RRN training standards, strengthening the governance the your provision of physical interventions training and providing assurances to commissioners and regulators.
RRN Training Standards
The Restraint Reduction Network is a network of organisations and individuals committed to eliminating the unnecessary use of restrictive practices.
If you want to know more about the RRN Training Standards take a look here,
If you wish for your organisation to deliver certified training and become a Bild ACT Affiliate, read our blog and download our guide with frequently asked questions on Become a Bild ACT Affiliate Through CPI.
Or if you have questions about becoming a Bild ACT affiliate, please contact us here and our Quality & Compliance Team, will support you through the process. You can call our CPI Quality & Compliance team on 0161 929 9777