Extend Learning Academies Network: Empowering all school staff
Extend Learning Academies Network (ELAN) implemented CPI’s Safety Intervention™ training to empower school staff with the skills required to prevent and de-escalate challenging situations.
Impact of CPI Training
- Empowered school staff
- Implementation of a whole school approach
- Staff upskilled with trauma-informed de-escalation skills
Extend Learning Academies Network (ELAN) is a multi-academy trust in North Somerset, which educates 2,700 children in nine primary schools.
When looking for an external de-escalation training provider, ELAN partnered with CPI due to the high-quality training that was required for their teaching staff and due to the nationally recognised certification.
ELAN uses the "train the trainer" delivery model. Their in-house Certified Instructor, Julie Bonney, trains other staff members equipping them with the knowledge and skills that she has gained from her Instructor Certified Programme with CPI.
The muti-academy trust intends to teach as many staff as possible with these skills so that a ‘whole school approach’ can be implemented for a consistent approach to challenging situations.
When a course is scheduled in, this is advertised on the school website for staff members to book onto and up to 12 staff members are permitted to attend each course.
Caroline Cox, Education Team Assistant, inherited the administrative responsibility of training at ELAN from a colleague who left the organisation. She was new to CPI but after an hour of training she learnt how to use the CPI platform by herself so she can document ELANs training.
The training has given teachers improved skills to de-escalate situations with children before they occur. Staff now have the physical intervention skills to intervene in a situation when required as a last resort.
Moreover, the training has given over 200 members of staff these skills alongside an insight into a trauma-informed approach and ultimately staff empowerment.
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