Active Healthcare Services: Reducing the Need for Physical Intervention
Active Healthcare trained in CPI’s Safety Intervention™ programme to better support those in their care with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), learning and physical disabilities, and complex care needs.
Impact of CPI Training
- Inspection report success
- 92% reduction in incidents from June to July 2023
- 100% reduction in use of physical restraint due to successful verbal de-escalation
- Peace of mind for the parents of the children and young people being supported
Active Healthcare are taking on ever more complex packages of care which require intensive management and support. This prompted Jason Pinkett, Practice Support Manager at Active Healthcare to carry out a PBS action plan for the organisation.
He quickly identified the need for a new external de-escalation training organisation as the previous model the organisation used for training to empower and develop the knowledge of staff didn't fit their culture anymore.
After some research, Jason found that CPI's trauma-based, person-centred programmes align perfectly with Active Healthcare’s values and give staff the skills and confidence they need to manage the complex care packages in a dignified and therapeutic way.
Jason presented the new PBS action plan and CPI as the way forward to senior management and as they recognised the need and value of the new training, they were very much onboard with his plan.
Jason first trained his staff who work directly with the service users that present the most challenging behaviour and have the most complex diagnoses. It was crucial these staff members were trained first and empowered to manage challenging situations.
Active Healthcare’s service in West Lothian has the highest concentrations of services, that require 2:1 for behavioural presentation and so this service has been the focus.
Next, Jason and his colleague Leroy will deliver training to their Edinburgh service as that has been identified as requiring the training. Prior to delivering the training Jason and his team support staff by hosting mini CPI workshops which contain videos from the CPI website and downloadable resources.
Jason is keen for as many of his colleagues to receive training as possible. 'Our goal is that all employees will have some form of CPI training. Whether it is just theory, or theory and the physical interventions.'
The physical interventions that Jason's staff may have to use as a last resort in a crisis to protect the individual have now been documents in service-users behaviour support plans. This gives parents an added sense of comfort that staff are professional and person-centred in the way they manage their young person’s care.
Providing training to staff reduces Jason’s anxiety when challenging situations arise as he knows that staff are empowered to use their new skills in a way that is therapeutic for them, but ultimately also for the person that they're helping in that moment of crisis.
On the 11th of August 2023, Active Healthcare Services received an unannounced visit from the Care Inspectorate in Scotland. The inspection went extremely well with the organisation receiving fives (and one six!) for all areas that were assessed. Jason believes the success stems from the amazing support that the team can now provide to their young people because staff have the necessary skills and confidence to manage behaviour.
You can read the full inspection report here.
Furthermore, Active Healthcare saw a 92% reduction in incidents in the summer of 2023. In June, there was a total of 13 challenging incidents, compared to just 1 in July. Now staff are practicing using CPI’s Crisis Development Model and the Verbal De-escalation ContinuumSM, Jason can see staff’s confidence and ability in being able to recognise escalating situations and then use the right strategies to de-escalate the situation as quickly as possible.
Consequently, despite being trained in physical intervention skills, all de-escalation that takes place at Active Healthcare Services has happened through the verbal interventions learnt.
Looking ahead, Active Healthcare Services will continue to train more staff in Safety Intervention™ Foundation in their new training facility. This level of training meets the organisations’ needs with all situations currently being successful de-escalated verbally.
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