Classroom Management Techniques Every Teacher Can Use

February 5, 2014
Open book in a classroom setting

“It makes the kid feel safer, you feel safer, and all the other kids feel safer,” says third-grade teacher Michael Fox.
What is it that makes everyone feel safer? Michael is trained in CPI’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® program, and as a Master Level Certified Instructor, he teaches the program’s behavior management and safety techniques to his coworkers in the Elmbrook Schools District in Brookfield, WI. He equips them with verbal and nonverbal strategies for making things safer for themselves, each other, and the kids in their care.
Together with fellow Certified Instructor Douglas Johnson and Mark Peperkorn, associate principal at one of the district’s middle schools, Michael recently visited CPI headquarters to view a series of videos we made that highlight their achievements. Check out the series, which features Michael, Mark, and their colleague Tanya Fredrich, a Senior Level Certified Instructor:

After the screening here at our headquarters, Mark told us a great story about how implementing training in his school helped staff better support a student who had been quite violent. Putting their training into action, staff built strong relationships with the student, responded to the student's behaviors with a consistent approach, and by the end of the school year, the student needed no interventions. Mark said he's exceptionally proud of the student, the student's parents are proud, and the student feels a strong sense of pride and accomplishment.

In addition to teaching the Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® fundamentals, Michael and his district’s other Certified Instructors also train their coworkers in advanced techniques for working with kids who have experienced trauma and students on the autism spectrum, as well as strategies for enhancing verbal skills, building relationships, and supporting positive behavior.

Interested in using CPI strategies to handle disruptive behavior in your school or district? Check out our 10 Tips for Crisis Prevention [PDF] and browse our training options.
Thanks to Michael, Douglas, and Mark for stopping by last week—and big thanks to everyone in the Elmbrook district for all you do to support Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security℠ for your students and coworkers!