Senate Passes the Every Child Achieves Act; Bill Moves on to House

SB 1177, or the Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA), which passed the US Senate on July 16, 2015, will require each state to adopt a State Plan to receive certain federal funds. This bill reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, a major federal law that determines federal education policy. If the bill passes the House and becomes law in its current form, state agencies will be required to adopt a plan involving assisting districts that have high levels of seclusion and restraint with training for staff in order for those states to qualify for certain federal funds.
These plans must include how each state education agency will:
- Identify and support, including through professional development, training, and technical assistance, local educational agencies and schools that have high levels of seclusion and restraint.
- Provide technical assistance, training, and evaluation of activities when the state proposes to use the money for multi-tiered system of supports, positive behavioral interventions and supports, or early intervening services.
- Address school discipline.
- Protect each student from physical or mental abuse, aversive behavioral interventions that compromise student health and safety.
CPI will monitor the progress of this bill and report on activity as it occurs.
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Schools throughout the US use the Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® training program because it focuses on prevention, de-escalation techniques, and other alternatives to restraint. Our training identifies underlying causes of student behaviors, and how staff and student behaviors affect each other. We can bring the Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® training program on-site to your school, or you can attend training in one of more than 150 public locations throughout the US.
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