Ontario Occupational Health & Safety Regulation


July 23, 2015
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As of July 1, 2014, Ontario Regulation 297/13 is in full effect! This regulation was created by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, which was adopted in December 2013. It mandates that there be basic occupational health and safety awareness training for all Ontario workplaces.

Training should include information regarding the duties of employees, supervisors, and employers under the act. It should also incorporate instruction on the roles of health and safety representatives and joint health and safety committees, along with instruction on the roles of the Ministry of Labor (MOL) and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) in keeping Ontario workers safe. The training should also include education on common workplace hazards such as workplace violence.

Our team discussed workplace violence when the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act took effect. We looked at workplace violence and the extended definition of workplace harassment and how it’s defined by the Bill 168 amendments. If you’re looking for workplace violence training to stay in compliance with the training mandate, we can help.

CPI Verbal Intervention™ training is appropriate for all levels covered under this new regulation. Employers, supervisors, and employees alike are taught what workplace violence is, how to recognize potential violence at its earliest possible stages, and how to enact violence response procedures. Additionally, the training offers discussion of policies and procedures to address the risk of violence and threats in the workplace.

The training is also designed to assist organizations in staying in compliance with the record-keeping section in Ontario Regulation 297/13. That section requires employers to keep records of employee training participation. Through the use of post-tests, which provide a written history of the training employees receive, supervisors and employers can identify and evaluate workers’ understanding of the skills taught, any gaps in training, and the possible need for further training. Certified Instructors (staff members who are certified to teach the program to their coworkers) can use their Instructor accounts on our website to keep track of employee trainings. This electronic record-keeping system helps simplify record-keeping and keep it to a minimum for busy supervisors and employers.

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