State of Minnesota H.F. 2497: Education Finance Bill Grants for De-escalation Training

August 21, 2023
Minnesota state image cyan background

Effective beginning the 2023-2024 school year and later, the State of Minnesota H.F. 2497 will make available $1,750,000 in grants during 2024 and $1,750,000 in grants during 2025 to develop staff training on non-exclusionary disciplinary practices. These practices must provide alternatives to dismissing students from school and include evidence-based positive behavior interventions and supports, social and emotional services, and support the development of a consistent and specialized support system.

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Three Easy Steps to Bring CPI to Your School District

Step 1: Schedule a 15-minute call with CPI. We’ll evaluate your current crisis prevention programming to determine how we can help you utilize Minnesota H.F. 2497 to strengthen your school district’s approach to classroom management, de-escalation techniques, and positive behavior supports.

Step 2: Obtain a complimentary training program recommendation. We will design and recommend a training plan that will help you to utilize Minnesota H.F. 2497 to strengthen your team in an effective and fiscally responsible way.

Step 3: Train your staff. Using our train-the-trainer model, our Global Professional Instructors will train select staff to become Certified Instructors. Then your Certified Instructors train their colleagues. With CPI training, you can begin the school year with new strategies that will decrease office referrals, increase staff morale, and make your school even more safe and prepared than it already is. This is the goal of Minnesota H.F. 2497, and we at CPI would like to help accomplish this goal for you.

Start the conversation today:

Schedule a Consultation

Or call 877.877.5389

See how CPI training programs make it easy for all staff to gain perspective and de-escalation skills, regardless of role or risk level.

ESSER 2 Programs Chart


Legal Requirements

Minnesota HF 2497
Education Finance Bill
Effective: 2023-24 school year and later

Article II, §64
Subd. 31 Non-exclusionary Discipline

(a) For grants to school districts, charter schools, intermediate school districts and cooperative units to provide training for school staff on non-exclusionary disciplinary practices:
$1,750,000 – 2024
$1,750,000 – 2025

(b) Grants are to develop training and to work with schools to train staff on non-exclusionary disciplinary practices that maintain respect, trust and attention of students and help keep students in classrooms.

CPI Alignment

CPI training programs are built on the fundamental principles of Care, Welfare, Safety and SecuritySM for students and staff alike. CPI training programs include cognizance of person-centered and trauma-informed approaches. Abuse of any kind including the infliction of emotional trauma, humiliation, and other verbal abuse is not consistent with the tenants of our programs.  

Article II, §28
Subd. 12

Non-exclusionary Disciplinary Policies and Practices means policies and practices that are alternatives to dismissing a pupil from school including but not limited to:
  • Evidence-based positive behavior interventions and supports

CPI Alignment

CPI training programs can be utilized as tier one supports as well as individualized tier three supports. CPI’s evidence-based approach to limit setting supports decision-making opportunities for an individual in crisis that can help de-escalate behaviors.     

  • Social and emotional services

CPI Alignment

During a CPI training program, staff practice skills to listen with empathy, facilitate difficult conversations, and provide a supportive, nonjudgmental approach to the individuals they serve. Staff will understand the underlying causes and factors that contribute to behavior and the importance of a consistent, calm approach. The Integrated Experience shows staff and individuals how their behaviors and attitudes impact the behavior and attitudes of others. Staff will practice utilizing restorative practices following a crisis situation to develop therapeutic rapport with the individual and provide a learning opportunity for all involved. 

  • Developing and implementing a consistent and specialized support system for students who do not display behaviors representative of schoolwide positive expectations [122A.627, clause (3)]

CPI Alignment

During CPI training programs, staff will learn a range of interventions to support students exhibiting behavior in all levels of crisis. Through models including our Crisis Development ModelSM and Verbal Escalation ContinuumSM staff will learn concrete strategies for de-escalating behavior that may not be representative of school-wide positive expectations. These strategies can be utilized for tier one supports as well as individualized support needs.